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Design Optimization

Evolving medical device needs drive part design changes

May 13, 2021
Evolving Medical Device Needs And Their Impact On Plastic Part Design

As the demand for medical devices continues to grow, OEMs are under pressure to design more robust, reliable, and versatile devices at a reasonable cost. Injection-molded plastic has become increasingly popular for housings, brackets, and small parts on monitors and other out-of-body devices.  But several trends are placing increasing demands on plastics in hospitals and…

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The importance of expert analysis in mold flow simulations

February 26, 2021
Expert Analysis In Mold Flow Simulations

Many parts manufacturers think of mold flow analysis as just another box to check in the process of developing a new plastic part. They rely on the software to generate and provide insights, or potentially, confirmation bias. However, without experienced professionals interpreting the data and using it to drive design choices, it has limited value. …

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7 Reasons to Perform a Mold Flow Analysis

August 8, 2018
Moldflow2 c standard

Mold flow analysis can be essential to ensure that a mold is capable of producing the strongest and most consistent parts. Is mold flow a necessary step of the process, or is it just extra time and effort?

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